domingo, 30 de enero de 2011

Distance means so little..

You're not alone
Together we stand
I'll be by your side
You know I'll take your hand
When it gets cold
And it feels like the end
There's no place to go
You know I won't give in
No, I won't give in

Keep holding on
Cause you know we'll make it through
We'll make it through
Just stay strong
Cause you know I'm here for you
I'm here for you
There's nothing you can say
Nothing you can do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So, keep holding on
Cause you know we'll make it through
We'll make it through

♫ ♬ ♪ ♩

So far away
I wish you were here
Before it's too late
This could all disappear
Before the door's closed
And it comes to an end
With you by my side
I will fight and defend
I'll fight and defend, yeah, yeah

Keep holding on
Cause you know we'll make it through
We'll make it through
Just stay strong
Cause you know I'm here for you
I'm here for you
There's nothing you can say
Nothing you can do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So, keep holding on
Cause you know we'll make it through
We'll make it through

♫ ♬ ♪ ♩

Hear me when I say
When I say "I believe.
Nothing's gonna change
Nothing's gonna change destiny
Whatever's meant to be
Will work out perfectly
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
La da da da, la da da da
La da da da da da da da da

Keep holding on
Cause you know we'll make it through
We'll make it through
Just stay strong
Cause you know I'm here for you
I'm here for you
There's nothing you can say
Nothing you can do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So, keep holding on
Cause you know we'll make it through
We'll make it through

♫ ♬ ♪ ♩

-Ahh, ahh-
Keep holding on
-Ahh, ahh-
Keep holding on
There's nothing you can say
Nothing you can do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So, keep holding on
Cause you know we'll make it through
We'll make it through.

Love you Francis ♥

martes, 25 de enero de 2011

Dido - Thank You

Fran <3

domingo, 16 de enero de 2011

Ojos del corazón

Me acuerdo, de un día hace aproximadamente 11 años, estaba en la mitad de mi infancia y era un día como cualquier otro, ese dia, no me acuerdo que habiamos ido a comprar al centro, pero si que habia ido con mi mamá y mi papá..
Mi mamá iba manejando, encontro un lugar, estaciono, mi papá y yo nos quedamos esperando en el auto mientras ella iba a buscar unas cosas.
Como mi mamá se tardaba mucho, a mi papa se le ocurrio jugar conmigo y como estaba en época de aprender a leer, el señalaba carteles y yo le decia lo que leia, cuando no me salia una palabra el me ayudaba...

Jugamos como unos 5 minutos, hasta que me señalo un cartel que estaba bastante lejos, el podia leerlo a la perfección "¿Bichito, que dice ahí?"
Miré el cartel que papá me señalaba.. me acuerdo era era un cartel que estaba sobre la pared de un local hacia la calle, bien alto. Miré y miré.. pero por mas fuerza que hiciera no podia llegar a leer lo que decia, le dije a mi papá "Pa.. no, no sé", me respondio, "¿Cómo que no sabes? mira la primera letra es una L" (la palabra era "lavanderia"), volteé a mirar el cartel de nuevo.. pero seguia sin conseguir ver ni si quiera esa L que mi papá me habia dicho.
Le contesté "No, no lo puedo ver", mi papá me miro frunciendo el ceño como preocupado o preguntandose algo, igual en ese instante mi mamá volvió subio al auto y seguimos camino; Pero mi papá no dejo de jugar conmigo y me seguia señalando carteles que estaban lejos, y que yo obviamente no podia leer.

El no me decia nada, al final terminaba diciendome que era lo que estaba escrito en los carteles y yo los podia leer bien cuando pasabamos cerca, pero pasado un rato casi llegando a casa le dijo a mi mamá "Hay un problemita me parece, tenemos que hablar". Llegamos a casa, cenamos, me encerre en mi pieza a jugar sola como de costumbre, pero mientras tanto los escuchaba discutir, mi mamá jamás le habia dicho a mi papá que el problema de la vista de ella era hederitario, tanto mi abuela como mi bisabuela lo habian tenido y a mi papá le parecia imposible que yo no pudiera leer si él y toda su familia tienen una vista perfecta.

Discutieron toda la noche y escuche algunos gritos también, no habia sido la primer pelea que habia escuchado en mi vida asi que simplemente seguia jugando sola en mi pieza. Me dormí y cuando me desperte eran las 8 am, mi mamá me habia levantado temprano para ir a la óptica, por supuesto a esa edad la palabra "óptica" no figuraba en mi diccionario pero fui sin preguntar, ahí conocí al que seria mi óptico de por vida, hasta el dia de hoy.

Entramos, mi mamá hablaba con el señor de bata blanca mientras yo miraba los anteojos de sol de Barbie en la estanteria, me llamaron y me hicieron mirar por una de esas maquinas "raras" donde apoyas tu cabeza y frente mientras la maquina se acerca a tus ojos y te hace ver a través de un pequeño agujerito una imagen, yo no tenia ni la mas palida idea de porque tenia que mirar ahí, pero en fin... despues me pusieron los anteojos con los que miden la graduación, para mi eran gigantescos y sentia que pesaban mas que mi propia cabeza, aunque era gracioso cuando me miraba en el espejo, con esos lentes me hicieron mirar a un cuadrito iluminado, y el óptico me preguntaba para que lado apuntaban las "E" que yo veia...
...Era gracioso porque yo todavia no sabia distinguir bien entre la izquierda y la derecha asi que le indicaba con mis brazos para que lado veia la imagen, me cambio miles de vidrios en esos lentes hasta que pude decir acertadamente para que lado apuntaban. Me sacaron los lentes raros, nos sentamos a esperar... al rato me llamaron y me pusieron unos anteojos, el óptico me dijo "Desde ahora los vas a tener que usar seguido" mire a mi mamá y me sonrió, yo estaba super confundida y algo mediosa, pero antes de irme me anime a preguntarle, creo, que con toda la inocencia del mundo:
"¿Señor, cuando voy a poder ver bien?" y si no estoy mal, recuerdo haber notado que sus ojos se pusieron vidriosos y me contesto "No te preocupes, solo usalos mucho y talvez, algún dia, puedas ver tan bien como antes" con una sonrisa en la cara.

Desde ese dia, año tras año iba a la misma óptica, pero obviamente como se iba poniendo peor tenia que ir al oculista también, donde era mil veces peor, porque te hacian otros estudios con aparatos muy raros y eran bastante molestos, al igual que estaba esa horrenda secretaria que te ponia gotas en los ojos que eran re molestas y sentias como tus pupilas se dilataban despues de eso, asi que realmente nunca queria ir.

Volver a la primaria usando lentes.. dios, creo que no hay castigo peor en la vida que la discriminación que pude sufrir por ello, tal y como se ve en las peliculas, otros nenes me sacaban los lentes y los tiraban entre ellos y yo gritando "Paren que los van a romper!" pero a diferencia de las peliculas no llegaba nadie a defenderme o a darmelos, seguia y sigió asi por años, de ahí viene mi odio, desprecio y repulsión por las instituciones educativas.

Pero a pesar de todo, siempre llegaba ese dia en el año.. el momento que yo mas odiaba de mi vida, y que con los años comprendi que seria repetitivo.
El dia en que entras al salon, te sentas en tu lugar y cuando el profesor o mejor dicho la "señorita" nos pedia copiar algo.. no podia, y se acercaba la señorita y me decia -por mi apellido- "¿Porqué no copias? Mirá que le voy a decir a tu mamá que no trabajas en clase", y no.. no podes decir "no veo" porque si lo hicieras te moverian al 1er banco, donde se sientan los "tontos, inadaptados o nerds" del salón, simplemente agachaba la cabeza y no decia nada;
Cuando me subia al auto, miraba a mi mamá con los ojos vidriosos y le decia "tenemos que ir al doctor.." Y eso es algo de lo que solo vos te das cuenta, ya que otro no puede ver lo mismo que vos, ni sentirlo, sos vos la que sabe cuando ves bien o mal, como cuando te probas unos zapatos y te preguntan "¿Cómo los sentis?" es exactamente lo mismo.

Pasado los años te acostumbras, a las burlas, a llorar, a la impotencia de querer ver algo como hacen todos y no poder, a la frustración y por supuesto a las malas notas de conducta por "no copiar", pero a lo que jamás te acostumbras.. es a ese maldito momento en el año en que tenes que volver al médico, a hacerte todos los estudios.. rogandole a dios, al cielo, al destino o a quien maldita sea nos pueda conceder un favor, que nuestra vista no haya empeorado, pero no vale de nada porque a final siempre escucharas al señor de bata blanca decir "Necesitas mas graduación".
Año por año..

Ojo izquierdo: 0,25 - 0,50 Ojo derecho
Ojo izquierdo: 0,50 - 1,00 Ojo derecho
Ojo izquierdo: 1,05 - 1,25 Ojo derecho

Hoy en dia estoy en:

Ojo izquierdo: 4,25 - 4,50 Ojo derecho
Ojo izquierdo: 0,50 (Astigmatismo)

La graduación de mi abuela es de 6, la de mi mamá de 5 (casi 6). Y sí como pueden ver, ni si quiera tengo la suerte de tener la misma en ambos ojos, mi ojo izquierdo es mas sano que el derecho, al igual que al principio, era una simple miopia.. hasta que paso a ser miopia y astigmatismo, Para ponerlo en simples palabras, la miopia te hace ver las cosas borrosas y el astigmatismo te hace.. algo asi como "ver doble" es dificil de explicar.

Toda mi vida odie esto, usar anteojos es horrible, el que no los use no lo entendera, me refiero a que, jamás tuve la suerte de conocer a alguien que tenga que usar anteojos las 24 horas del dia, yo solamente me los saco para dormir.
Toda mi vida esperé con ansias cumplir la edad suficiente como para usar lentes de contacto y cuando finalmente lo hice y me los compre, jaja no les puedo explicar lo que sufri para poder ponermelos, como 2 horas encerrada en el baño hasta que pude y sali corriendo feliz a decirle a mi mamá que estaba con una amiga "MIRA MIRA PUEDO VEEEEEEEEEEEER, JAJAJA LA PUTA MADRE PUEDO VER" queria llorar de la emoción y es mas, era la primera vez que podia llevarme las manos a la cara sin tener que chocarlas con los lentes, que podia mojarme bajo la lluvia sin tenerque secar los vidrios de los anteojos, que podia apoyarme en mis brazos en la parte de la cara que quisiera, es mas, poder tocar mis ojos, y toda esa zona de la cara era como una sensacion nueva, ya que como usaba los lentes 24 horas no podia y cuando dormia obviamente no lo hacia.
Esa felicidad me duro hasta que me los tuve que sacar, también, otras 2 horas en el baño para sacarmelos, asi hacia a diario hasta que me "acostumbre".

Por años escuche los "No, pero ella no puede ver" "ella no ve bien" "ve borroso" "Jaja, que pena que no puedas ver igual que yo". Y al escuchar eso hace unos años y hasta hoy en día siempre pienso:
"No, no es que yo no pueda ver, eres tú el que no ve el mundo como lo veo yo"

Sin lentes, podré no leer, podré ver sumamente borroso y que me molesten las luces, pero tú no puedes ver lo que yo veo, ver borroso no significa no ver.
Y por mas que odio tener que sufrirlo, es lindo cuando te sentas con tranquilidad, miras fija y concentradamente a alguien, y aunque no puedas ver con precision que ropa lleva o como es su rostro, si podes distinguir, algo asi como una aurora aveces de color, dependiendo como se mire podes ver una muy, muy pequeña linea de color al rededor de las personas, sé que probablemte sea simplemente mi enfermedad ocular pero quiero creer que no :).

También, aunque suene feo, estando sin lentes, cuando veo a alguien no puedo ver como es su cara, es decir, si tiene cicatrices, marcas, granitos, arrugas o lo que sea, no lo veo, solo veo una superficie lisa y lo único que mis ojos pueden ver, son los ojos de la otra persona, su boca, si tiene labios finos o gruesos, o de que color es su iris; creo que para una persona normal es totalmente molesto y desesperante, pero yo lo veo desde otro punto, no puedo juzgar a las personas por su apariencia para mi todos son exactamente iguales hasta que hablo con ellos, no importa si son lindos o feos, aunque para mi todos son igual de bonitos, hasta que escucho su voz es como si no hubiese visto nada.

Cuando tenia 7 años me dijieron que a los 11 iba a estar mejor, cuando llegue a los 11 entonces era a los 15, a esa edad me dijieron que a los 21, y ahora que tengo 18 me han dicho "Te diria que a los 25, pero a ciencia cierta, la enfermedad dejará de progresar cuando dejes de estudiar, cuando dejes de leer tanto y forzar la vista." También me dijieron que un familiar mio, de parte de mi mamá obviamente, murió ciego y cuando pregunté porqué me contestaron "Porque el jamás dejo de estudiar, fue un gran abogado." Y si bien me angustié, y me dijieron que a mi no me iba a pasar lo mismo, ya que estaba terminando la escuela pensé "No, porque yo quiero ser una gran psicologa."

Hasta este día sigo sosteniendo esa postura, y cada vez le añado mas titulos a mi carrera, quiero ser psicologa con postgrado en el área forense, auxiliar en grafología y en criminalística, aunque corra el riesgo de quedarme ciega.
Es algo (entre otras muchas cosas mas) que también me ha hecho cuestionarme si tener hijos o no, como es hederitario ellos también lo tendrian y jamás traeria un ser humano al mundo para que tenga que sufrir lo mismo que yo.

Todos dicen que tampoco me preocupe, me puedo operar y volver a ver bien, y siempre me termino riendo jaja.. la gente piensa que cuando te operas volves a ver como si jamas hubieses tenido nada y estan muy equivocados, en primer lugar, la operación no detiene la enfermedad y tampoco la corrige al 100%, se los pondre en un sencillo ejemplo, si para cuando yo tenga edad de operarme (segun el oculista a partir de los 23) tengo (supongamos) 5 de graduación la operacion me corregiria hasta tener 2 o talvez un poco menos (hay que pensar que tengo 2 enfermedades diferentes y que en ambos ojos es diferente la graduación), tampoco frena la enfermedad, puede seguir desarrolandose como si nada. Y con mi fobia a los hospitales, el costo de la cirugia laser y demás, Jaja, si, creo que nunca me operaré.

En fin, solo me queda esperar, lo único que detiene la enfermedad es un tipo de lente de contacto que sale carisimo y lleva muchos estudios.. la frena y la corrije, sueño con poder hacermelo.

Ya, solo me queria descargar un poco, llevo pensando en esto años, muchas noches de insomnio.

Una persona con la capacidad de ver intacta, jamás puede dicharse de tener la capacidad de no juzgar.

Y no soy yo la que no ve el mundo,
Eres tú el que no ve el mio :)

P.D: Sé que no es algo tan grave como quedar paralitico o tener cancer, pero cada loco con su locura.


domingo, 2 de enero de 2011

Better late than neva :3


Finally the 2010 ended!

Well, after all i should say that the idea of this letter was to be a humble present for xmas to all my friends, but well, since i've no net at home this days was hard for me to remember all names and things i wanted to write here, so it took me a few days more. This is a letter for all my "Drago friends" i will make another one for my in real life mates later (: .

Why a letter to people i met from a game? Because i passed 365 days of my life playing daily more then 6h a day (approx) so those peeps mentioned here, are the ones who shared more time with me, more than even my in real life friends did, and they left a mark in my heart, so even if i stop chatting or seeing them in game, someday in the next year i will think about them, asking to myself what could they be doing... or how their lifes are going.

Peeps on this letter made me smile, laught, cry and i learned so much from them, so this is my simple and humble way to say: THANK YOU.

*The names are NOT in orden of importance, just random.

Kristanna: MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM, u're my FIRST and ORIGINAL mum in game xD, you dont have an idea how much i love you =), we know eachother since lvl 35 or so, we've always been together, even if the other vanished for days, weeks, or months, u neva left me alone, and u already know u're MY BEST friend on game, we shared too much partys, happy and sad moments, we cried together when our couples left us, and we laughed when we noticed we were dating idiots =P haha, i dont have the words enough to say how much i appreciate you in my life, u're the mum i neva had, you've been there always and i dont know what i would do without you. Im going to be ALWAYS here for u, not matter how much time has passed, not matter if we argue or anything, im going to be always there for you kris :). Thank you so much, hope all ur wishes come true ^^. Happy New Year ♥
P.S: Sorry for make u get married with Ice xD =P
P.S.S: Stop playing while u're drunk xDD
P.S.S.S: Im NOT gonna get married with Protech xD theres nowai to convice me xd

Darkchuky: DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ♥ i know u since we were on SantoS!!!! goodd so much timeeeeeeeeeeeee! u're such an awesome and loyal friend, and one of the oldest i have! We used to talk a lot, then u left drago a bit and came back many times, im glad to see u neva forgot me ^^ and that u keep trusting on me! haha u're for me, My personal gpot seller =P even if i asked u, "I want a pink pony who gives +324 int and +789 hlt" u will try to get one hahaha, and it didnt mattered if the pony worthed 435566543k gold, u always said "pay me when u can", for that i must say THANK YOU!! Because even if i was broke, u accepted my lil amounts, month by month till i payed u all, haha but im 100% reliable and u know it! neva failed to u and i always payed for everything ^^. Thanks for trusting that much on me, for being there when i was sad and needed a shoulder to cry, for trusting on me all this time and even if we didnt talked for months and i asked u 234764 ISS u always said "Okay, gimmeh time" i neva heard a "No" from u, for that and MUCH more, THANK YOU DAVI, really THANK YOU ^^.
Theres noway to explain how much i respect u and how grateful i feel for having the luck to know u =). I wish the best for u, Have an awesome 2011 davi! Happy New Year, Love you :3
P.S: As i say everytime i see u, I still having ur Tequila Glasses, if u need them just ask xd are urs after all ^^

Icekid: DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDY! i have to thank you so muuuuccchh ♥ my cleric is based in all ur advices and you're like my model, haha as i always say, i wanna be like you when i grow up (in game of course) YOOOUU LITTLE KIIDD, you're so smart, so cute, so nice, polite, gentle, what else i can say? =), we've been friends for so long.. i learned from u so many things and i've no idea how to say thanks.
In some way u're like a little bro for me too ^^ thank you for being there everytime i needed you, thanks for be so patient and for giving me always the best advices u could, u've no idea how much i love you and i hope you've an awesome future because you deserve it ^^. I dont know what else to say, just Thank You and Happy New Year! *hugs*
P.S: Sorry for make kris be ur wife xD :3
P.S: Where's my Pony? D:<

I know you can meet someone being part of the same guild, by sharing a party, for helping others, or for just chatting in citys, but the most weird way i've met someone is by being AFK in Libra xD I saw u left ur char so many times afk close to mine.. neva thought u was noticing i used to do the same xD till the day u came close to me and told me "Hey.. hi, i see u always around" HAHAHAH thats the best thing that could eva happend to me xD, because we started to talk and day by day we becomed really nice friends =), thank you so much for your friendship ^^.
A think i must rebound is that u're the most helpful person i had the luck to know (: even if you didnt knew me a lot you have been always there when i needed help with quest, lvling or any stuff ^^, and even helping my own friend that u dont know!, u're so nice, so sweet i really wish you to have a wonderful New Year!
And i want you to know, i will always be there if u need me! count with me for everything u need, if im free to help u, be sure i will make my best! ♥
P.S: Thanks for helping Sher too ^^
P.S.S: Thanks for worrying about me :)

Flared: MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DONNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! xDDD! haha u're so so awesome that even if i used all the characters in the world to say thanks it wouldnt be enough :3; For me u're like the Wikipedia of Dragonica i can ask you anything and u will response all u know about it, ur advices are always so wise, and you help everyone u can without judging, that's awesome.
Dan, u're so special.. i've no words to say how much i understand you sometimes and how much i wish i could be there to hug u and give you forces to carry on. ^^ You're one of the most importants persons i had the luck to know, because even if i cannot play drago now, we've been chatting all along this days, and thanks god day by day i know a bit more about you. Ur personality is awesome and be sure u deserve the best things on this life, just remember, other peeps compared to you in many many things are NOTHING; I will be always there to help you with everything u need, my hand will be always there if u need to stand up from the floor, and i will always be there to push u a bit to beat your fears.
P.S: And remember what we promised to eachother #2

Yngvi: JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY :DD, BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! jody u're sooooooooooooooooooo freaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakinngggggggggggggg cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! at this point i dont have any doubt about what perdi saw on you :3
*takes a dictionary* u're so gentle, polite, responsible, cute, sweet, helpful, you know to hear the others and u have a determination i admire :)
U're the older brother i neva had, thank you SO SO MUCH for help me so many times ^^ you've been there everytime i needed you, i've no words to thank you =). Thanks for try ur best when we had bento on our hands, THANKS FOR NOT LEAVING ME ALONE AS EVERYONE DID, thank you, thank you ♥.
I always say to my friends to take care of their girlfriends of i will slap them, but this time is different xD, PERDI TAKE CARE OF THIS BOY OR IM GONNA SLAP YOU! jkjk~ :3 I hope all ur dreams come true, hope u've everything u want and be happy always ^^. love you :3 have a Happy New Year!
P.S: I know how are u when u're angry.. xd so i bought a cage to put u there when u arge with someone, u're like a kitteh that becomes a tiger xD :3 *puts kitteh in the cage*

Akitchi: AAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKIIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN, you, you you..*cough*. Mmmh, what i can say here about you *remembers*.
When i see all the things u did for ur friends, there i've to say Thank you, because they're my friends too ^^.
When i see the lil bottle of sand u send me, i just can say Thanks ^^ for being so polite (:
Aki u've an awesome personality and u're able to handle big groups of people charming them with ur sympathy, u've so many peeps that are behind of u, and they will hold ur hand u before ur head touch the floor, and is their way to say thanks for all the things u did for them.
We shared many points of view, and we just want the best for the ones we love. Yea, we argued many times too, because we've different ways to do the things, but, after all we want the same result, our friends happy and having fun ^^, dont we?.
Thank you for handle all the stress, the tears, the disccusions and the idiots peeps, just to make the things work for everyone when u had to. Thanks for being the mum of all my friends ^^.
Happy New Year!
P.S: You know, while im not here, u've a job to do. POKE PEEKA FOR MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH :3 ♥
P.S.S: You have sympathy but u dont have a lot of empathy, so take care of what u say. And sorry if i did hurt u sometime, but i just payed u with the same coin =P

Perdita: NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECCCCCCCCCCCCHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN, nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu dont be jealous D: i wont take jody away from you! but he's awesome and i had to say it! xD
Neechan Neechan.. Ummmh, i've so many things to say about u, haha, we're so similar.. we're the kind of girl that can be cute all the freaking time, we can be polite and sweet, BUT when something or better say "someone" bother us, or bother our friends we become the thing more dangerous in the whole planet. We can manipulate, make tricks, dominate, make cry and suffer to the fucking idiot who hurted us. I know.. thats the half of our personality but its awesome :3 Ofc in a begining we dont want to hurt anyone :3 haha we're so similar in that point, but we're pretty different in the way we act.
I dont judge you or blame you for anything, we share many things and we've different points of view about other things, but i think i must say is that u're loyal and u take care of the people you love more than normal people, just like me =P. I appreciate you a lot and u will always be my neechan ^^, we cried together, we laughed, we did silly things and pretty smart things together, we know eachothers "dark" and cute side ^^. Thanks for hearing me, for helping and for be there when i needed you ^^ ♥
Happy New Year!
P.S: TAKE CARE OF JODYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, If i see him sad im gonna kidnap him >:D

Peekatcho: Krrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssssssssssss ^^, theres so many things i would like to say and i dont know how... i guess is coz there are some feelings that u cannot explain u just feel them, but i may say Thank you for make me discover those feelings ^^.
As u know already most of the english i learned is thanks to you, but the thing u dont know is that i know this much coz i killed myself learning to be able to talk more and more with you, because i really wanted to know you, and thanks god i did :).
Kris u're awesome, cool, funny, sweet, honest, unique, cute, smart, u dont have an idea how much i love you and i appreciate you, im glad to be almost the only one that knows the other side of you, thank you so much for let me enter in ur heart and a bit in ur life, for trust on me, for always be there when i needed u, for the longs and silly conversations at night, for hearing me when i was sad; u know my life more than anyone, and u're my BEST FRIEND the one i hope i wont neva lose ^^.
You know u touched my heart and for that i will neva forget you, and .. just, Sorry, for being so stupid and for not appreciate what i had in my hands, sorry if sometime i hurted u or i made u feel bad, but last of all i wanted u to know, that.. it doesnt matter what happen between us, i will always be there anytime u need me ^^ ♥ Wish u an awesome New Year! Take care, Love u.
P.S: I will give u a late present for xmas... a ticked to visit me in summer 8D

Hollowmanx: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee yyyyyyyyyooooouuuuuuuuuuu so muuusssshhh :3
U're so sweet! so cute! how i should say thanks to a person like u? oh well, i will try my best..
Thanks for being always at my side ^^ for listening to me, for defending me, for trusting, u dont have an idea how much i appreaciate you in my life and how glad iam to see u always at my side, supporting me, following me, u're just awesome hamy, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!
Im sorry if i dissapointed u sometime. But after all u've been always be there for me, u neva left me alone :).
We shared together a lot of moments, funny and sad ones, i just wanna keep thanking u for that ^^, and of course make u know that i will always be there for you, anytime u need me im gonna be there to hear and help u ^^ ♥ and as u've been loyal to me all this time, i will try to be always at ur side too :3
Wish you to have an awesome 2011, Happy New year hamy! wish i could be there to hug u and tell u how much i love you ^^.
P.S: My char still dont see okay since u pricked her eye with ur helmet ¬¬ xD

yea i just felt like screaming ur full name. And i BET u DONT REMEMBER mine #2 xD
Braddy i love you and u know it :3 u're one of the "unlucky" ones that touched my heart xD :).
You dont imagine what u mean to me, when u vanished (and ye i got used to it) i felt like losing one of my reasons to keep breathing, coz in some point u were everything i had, when u dissapeared i searched everyday in net for u, with only having ur country, name and age, i searched the whole damn internet trying to find any sing of life, a mail, an adress, anything! but i didnt had luck... i swear i asked to half of dragonica about u, because u told me a few sad things that were happening in ur life and the last thing i wanted to think is that something could happen to u T-T you wont believe me i guess, but just ask to any of my friends! I appreciate u like.. TOO MUCH, i dont want u away from my life and i dont want to lose u.. and even if u scape from me, im gonna find u be sure of that! =P
U're sweet, polite, fun.. u make me laugh so many times, u protect me, defend me and u did so many things for me, i have to say THANK YOU for being there everytime i needed u, for hearing me, for sharing many nights at my side doing nothing =P haha, standing in floor 50 of drakos before patch, just talking random stuff, for all that and much more: THANK YOU. ♥
I guess u will neva read this.. because i barely have the luck to see u, but anyway, Happy New Year ^^
And even if we had days, weeks, months, years, without talk, i will always be here, missing u, and waiting u for comeback!
P.S: I cannot explain yet how come u cannot difference a big moth from a BABY BAT! xD

Girl, u know that i aprecciate and love u so so much, thanks god for putting u in my way coz without u there to hold and hug me when i needed it i wont know what could happen to me!
Anvii u're awesome, polite, honest, unique, sweet, cute and SO BEAUTIFUL ♥ im glad to had the luck of knowing u ^^ and be ur friend, thank you for all the support, for being loyal, for caring a lot for me and ur friends, theres not a lot more that i can say, just THANK YOU, u deserve the best after everything u did.
Sorry if i failed to u sometime, u've always been an awesome friend with me ^^ i apologize if i did something wrong of if i hurted u in any way ^^. As u did with me, u im going to be ALWAYS there if u need me, just count with me, u're not alone =). Thanks for trusting on me and for let me trust on u, for becoming such a good friend and for neva leave me alone, Love you :3
Wish u reach all ur goals, and i hope all ur wishes come true! Happy New Year!
P.S: Stop being so smexy i've all my friends asking "wwhooosss that beauty in ur FB" D:<

Happy New Year Boss =P haha.
I know i know, im sure u're wondering what the hell are u doing here coz we dont know a lot eachother, but is the work u do that made me put u on the list.
Im GLAD to see how you manage the guild, I neva saw someone who cared that much for their guildies, u defend them and u just want the guild to be a paceful place, is awesome to see how the guildies respect and follow you.
Is so nice to see how u care for greet one per one when they logon/off, how u listen them and how u care about if they have a problem with other guildie.
I know im a newbie in guild, i cannot see if theres any problem yet, i just have around 2 months on guild, but on this two months i've seen an awesome worker, an awesomes guildies, and an awesome guild standing since so long.
Im very proud to say that u're my master, and im proud of the type of person u are, i only know u a bit, but is enough to see that u're a good person, one that only wants the best for his mates ^^.
Thank you for hearing me everytime i had a problem or a suggestion, Thanks for being there when i needed advices for my alt, Thanks for let me join to this awesome guild, and even if i may not see any problem yet, if i discover that the things are not going well, i want u to know that i will try to be one of the most loyals members u neva had, i will be there till the end as i did in my old guild and as you already know if u need any advice or second opinion u can ask me, theres no problem :); Thank you for making ur best for the guild, for my mates, for my friends ^^ ♥
Happy New Year!! Lets make Adrenaline the best guild of 2011 !
P.S: TEEEEEEEEEEEACH ME FREERUUUUUUUUUUUUUN, if i have the LUCK to know u sometime in my life be sure I WILL ASK U TO TEACH ME xD.

U know how much i love u and how much im grateful for having the luck to know u ^^. Even if now we dont talk as much as we used to, i want u to know that im going to be always here for u, i dont care if we dont talk for a whole year, u know u can talk to me anytime =), and sorry... i know im the biggest idiot on earth and im sure i hurted u badly, i really didnt wanted to, but to not hurting u more i decided to move myself away, coz i noticed i was going to fuck up ur life as i do with everything i just love too much u.u
My lil kangaroo, u're awesome, u stole me many smiles and laughs, thanks for supporting me, for defend and protect me, thank you for being there everytime i needed you, and for being so cute and polite ^^.
U're my personal stalker and u know it xD, even if now u left drago, i wont let anyone be my stalker, coz thats ur place! u're my lil cute pet and i really love u, and u dont know how much i wish i could be there with u on this days.. even just 1 minute would be enough, i just wanna hug u and say thanks for all the things u've done for me, things that i dont really deserve. I wish the best for u, ur friends and ur family, and thank u again for trusting so much on me, and for hearing me all night long :3
Happy New Year my lil Kangaroo!
P.S: Slap Ace for me ;D hahaah ♥

Did i told u how much i admire and respect u? =P well if i didnt, i admire the type of person u're, so gentle, helpful, a great worker, u're a lovely guy and i've to say u're so fun :3, and if i had to choose a vice again for my guild i would choose u again without thinking twice, even if i know u will say no, u're the type of person i would like to work with, because i know u will always try to do the best for the ones u care ^^. Thanks for being always such a nice friend, for helping me when i was a newbie on VC, for giving me advices and for being there when i needed u ^^. Trust on me for anything u need, i will be always at ur side ♥. And believe me, i miss saying good morning to u when i didnt slept at 4 or 5 am xD i got used to saw u and hear the phrase "Go sleep little girl" u're kinda like another dad for me =P haha
Happy New Year Tommy! :D wish u the best.
P.S: I know the "vampire" thingy is just an excuse to bite smexy girls >:D xd

Enkaminus: SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON, girl u're awesome, u put so much effort, pasion and u defend the things u love, also u're cute, smart, gentle and a good person ^^, we didnt shared too much time together, but we had been in the worse times in bento, and u really showed to have some of the skills that a vice needs, u've determination and thats a thing i love to see ^^, and its weird to see a female zerker around haha, enka , really i aprecciate u a lot ^^ i dont have the luck to see u daily in game, just randomly i found u in ellora or afk sometimes, but now i know everytime i miss u i just had to scream in a megaphone to call you haha ^^. Thanks for giving me ur friendship and for trust on me ^^. ♥
I will be there everytime u need me, an advice, a hug, or just a shoulder to cry, haha just scream my name on a megaphone and i will response as fast as i can ^^. Love ya enka, please take care =)
Have an Awesome and Happy New Year!
P.S: If someday i make a guild i will call u to be my right hand ;D

Kyuuubijap: KKKKKKKKKKKKKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU, Okay okay i know maybe i shouldnt be so happy u.u
Sorry kyu T_____T i know im an idiot, but u cannot blame me, i did told ya the things many times :<
Wanted to thank u for suffering the worse part of me, u know me better than a lot of people, u're so cute and sweet i know u really deserve the best things in the life, i wish the best for u; I admire u for being so determinated, u're aperson that fight for the things that wanna get and love, and thats really amaizing ^^. I wanna thank u too for being such a good friend for so long, for even if u was feeling bad u were there for me everytime i needed to talk with someone and i've to admit u holded my hand many times to dont let me fell, i really thank you for that ^^ ♥, I've to admit too that i neva have been so chased in my whole life xDD, :< im sorry i know u did everything u could to get me.. and in some way you did, because right now i miss you a lot u.u
Thank you for everything ^^ Happy New Year :3
P.S: I leave in ur hands the desicion of talking to me (or not) again ^^.

Thank You for helping me while i had a broken finger, thank you for supporting me and give me forces with the bento stuff, thank you for being so cute, sweet, polite, cute, honest, reliable and such a good friend ^^, thanks for spend ur time with me :3 u know i love u a lot and u will always have me at ur side dont matter what happens, just count with me anytime u need me ^^.
And u know too for me u're the prettiest guy i had the luck to know in the whole game *blushes* hehe :3
U're really a nice person, i would like to know u more because u're pretty interesting too, im sorry we didnt shared a lot of time in drago, u quitted and cameback, then the difference of lvl's didnt let us to play together a lot tho :<
I really wish u to have a wonderfull New Year ^^ and i wish u reach all ur goals :3
P.S: When i comeback to drago i wanna see ur cleric lvl 70, did ya heard me? :< xDD jk ~

Zekes: MOOOOOOOOOOOOZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! :DD admit it, u hacked Facebook Applications to everytime i check "The initial of the love of ur life" I GET Z ¬¬ xD
I loooveee you my moozzzyyy :3, im so glad i keeped talking to you, because even if i dont know u a lot, is enough to say that u're really a nice and a simple person ^^, u're honest, realiable, cute, fun and cool :3, and im glad too we've the same sense of humor xD Thank You so much for all the times u helped me and for being always an awesome friend, u're one of the most loyals friend i've ^^ thanks, thanks ♥. U know u will always be my hero, haha i will remember all my life the day Sherlek owned me 5-0 in pvp i sent like 4 ppl's to kill him (Ye, im a bad looser xD) and any of them was able to beat him but u promised me u will revenge me, and u did! u're awesomeeeeeeee, and till this days u keep beating him xDD u dont have an idea how much he hates u for that but that makes him try to improve himself, u're his inspiration xDD Thank you my mozy! =), I want u to know i will be always here for u, anytime u need me just count with me as a friend, my hand will hold urs anytime u need it ^^.
Love ya, have a wonderful New Year :3
P.S: I told ya i wanna hear or at least read one of ur songs! put it on my FB wall ^^.

Tsukime: YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! My little and cute giirrrll!! u dont have an idea how much i missed u when u quitted T-T u're one of the oldest friends i've on drago i know u since lvl 40 or such :D u're the cutest girl i had the luck to know in the whole game! Thank you so much for have been my friend for so long, for neva forget about me =), i dont know how but i love u as the little sister i neva had! ^^. Sorry for didnt help u a lot T_T im glad Ally could and now u're in an awesome guild and u've so many new friends, im glad to see that, wish i could have done the same but i barely have time to help the ones i love D: sorry T^T.
I want u to know that as u have been always loyal and polite with me, i will be always be like that to u too ^^ u deserve the best yuki! i go sad if i see u sad and i really wish to see u happy and smiling always, because u deserve it girl, ur smile makes me smile too :3. Everytime u need me, i will be there i promise =) ♥
I hope all ur wishes come true for the next year, Happy New Year!
P.S: U said i lvl fast...when u cameback and i first saw u u were lvl 54, 2 weeks later u were 63 #7 xD

Ziiva: ZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, AAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNTTTTT :D u know u're like the Aunt i never had in real life ^^ i really love u a lot because after all u didnt judge me for being with some ppl's u dont like and u keeped talking to me ^^, thanks for being a good friend zivii, i really love you a lot, for me u're kinda like a mum tho, even if we dont talk a lot or as i wished, the moments we share are always nice ^^ and in my heart i know i can count with u for everything =) ♥.
I dont care about what the people say about you, even if they are my friends, i wont judge u for anything, because u're MY AUNT and i LOVE YOU like them or not ;D, and of course you know im here for you always, everytime u need a hug, someone to talk to or just maybe a shoulder to cry, im gonna be right here to hold you ^^. Thank you for being my friend for so long, for being so cute, nice, fun and honest with me ^^ love you!
Happy New Year!

Hgostsed: GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSS!!! I've to thank you so so much, because u have been there every time i needed help ^^, i remember when i met you, i was at arka, pretty close to lvl up, like in 90% or so, it was late almost all my friends had to go to sleep, but you refused to go till i reached lvl 54!, thank you so much for being there anytime i needed help, also for being an awesome friend for so long =D u're so sweet, cool and smart, i've no words to thank you all the things u did for me hehe :D, also thanks for helping me with my lil grena, and yee i made it inspired on you girl! Thats why it has the same haircut as your char haha is like a mini-gos =P.
Gos really, thank yo so much for all the help lvling and in quest ^^, thanks for being so patient with me and for sharing ur friendship with me ^^ i really love you girl thanks ♥ U know i will always be there anytime u need me, i will try to do my best always for you ^^
Happy New Year!
P.S: We dont know eachother a lot tho, we need to talk more! =o

Shay: SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYSHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY ♥ Thanks god we keeped talking after u quitted, because i cannot regret knowing u :D, u're an awesome guy and i really admire you for all the things u want to do with ur life.. but i will always say DONT GO AAARRMMYYYY D:, really im worried someday i will be talking with u and u will say "Nata, tomorrow im going to army", I SWEAR im gonna cry #10, i will miss you so muuucchh, who will get bored with me? xD who will leave me offline messages? haha i know we've many months before that but still i wanted u to know that i will miss you a lot, and BE SURE if someday i see on tv that in ur zone theres a war or something like that im going to kipnap u and hide u under my bed or closet till is over, i dont want anything to happen to you! #10, Oh well u know here in this side of the atlantic u will have always someone wishing u to be okay, and im gonna be here everytime u need me ^^, love u a lot! ♥
Happy New Year! and take care party guy #2
P.S: Want me to record all the series u watch till u comeback from army? haha :3

Illuvatar:GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDPPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :D u're the best grandpa evaaaaaaaaaa ♥, but u're a meanie, neva gave me a xmas presents #10 u owe me years of presents! >:D xD, U dont have an idea how much i missed u when u quitted and how happy iam to see u back again =), u're so cute and politee!! U always take ur wife to her job thats so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D im sure u're an awesome husband and ur wife is really lucky :3.
Thank you for being my friend for so loooooooong ^^, for helping me everytime i needed and for neva forget about me, thank you so much! ^^
I really hope the next year will be awesome for you and your family, and even if we dont really know a lot eachother i want u to know that i will be here everytime u need me :3, is my simple way to say thanks for giving me ur friendship for so long and for trusting in me ^^.
Love u a lot ♥, u're smart, cute, fun, honest and so gentle, hope we can know eachothers more next year :3, sorry for not writing more xD, but i dont have a lot more to say :3
P.S: Did ya told ur wife that she's my grandma? >:D haha

Zitt: VVVVVVVVVVVVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC, u're the oldest friend i've on drago! ♥, i know u since we were lil newbies lvl 30, lvling in artis with Muhy, haha my god so much has passed since those days, im glad and so happy to know and see that u keep being my friend ^^. Vic u know i love u so so much and i appreaciate u a lot in my life ♥ u're really important for me ^^, sorry for neva joining Intocables T-T, i would be glad to have you as my master but i had to choose what was really better for me :< sorry, but at least you have my hihgest alt there ^^ and soon i guess u're going to have my lil assa too haha xD.
Thank you for helping me so much, for being there everytime i needed you, sorry for failed u so many times T-T i neva really wanted to, u will always be for me one of the most importants ones in my list, because u dont have an idea how much i appreciate u for being there even if i failed to you, thanks for forgave me ^^. Also i wanted you to know im going to be here everytime you need me, and i will always admire you for showing me how you resisted a milliom storms to not let ur guild fell, u're awesome vic!
I hope all ur wish come true in 2011 :3
Happy New Year! ^^
P.S: You will always be my best backguard :D

Xxstarkxx & Sherlek: Dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeguitooooooooooooooooo, Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer ♥, im putting u two together because i already wrote something personal and sent it for xmas to both, so theres not a lot left to say...
Dieguito u know u're one of my best friends in game, i love u just too much and i told ya already how grateful iam to have you in my life, and for all the thing u've done and do for me ^^.
And Sher, honey u already know u're my whole world, theres noway i can thank you, the characters are not enough, the words are too silly and i guess the lucky day i have u infront on me, then i will be able to show u how much grateful iam for everything u did for me, u kinda saved my life :)
I wish to both a wonderful New Year, and i hope we'll be able to keep being such good friends ^^, love ya both!
P.S: THANKS for helping me while iam without net ^^.

Uff.. god so many names to remember xd..
I didnt had the differents guild list on my hand to remember all my friends this time, for that too, sorry if i missed someone (><).
Plus, theres people that were important in my life this year but i dont know them a lot yet, maybe we shared some chats, partys, Myhome type partys, many lvls, events, etc.. and we becomed REALLY nice friends, but i cannot write anything significative to them yet, sorry (><) but i would LOVE to know them more in the 2011 so for that, last but not less importants..

Thanks to:


84 friends in total!

*Theres some peeps that i would love to dedicate a paragraph, but as u can see i cannot write something to everyone (><) sorry, but im gonna try to chat with those later :3

Thank You guys.
Happy New Year ^^

Well now that i finished, here comes the sense of this letter:

We will stop talking, i will lose contact with most of my friends while the time keeps passing. Some of us will start Uni, others will finish it, Some are looking for a job, and some others already started their own lifes.
The nicknames mentioned along this letter, are the nicknames of what i consider Good Persons in real life i mean, is people that dont wanna hurt anyone, that plays without cheat, spending time like true gamers, without annoying anyone, have a job or are students, that have families..
Maybe some of them have a big family with many brothers and sisters, but even if they fight all the time and they blame eachother to death they love eachother and they will defend eachother too; And there's others that maybe dont have a big family.. maybe just a mum or a dad..or both but are divorcied, maybe theres someone that just live for his/her little brother or sistah.
Im sure theres someones that feel so alone.. even if they have a million friends they feel so lost, but they keep on living because they have that person who make them carry on. And maybe theres some others that feel happy, that have everything they want and are pretty happy of their life...but when those peeps stop a second they notice they dont have anything to life for.

We have people that join in our lives to stay forever, others that join and leave fast, and others that we wish we could keep but the destiny dragged them away from us.
Everyone know we wont stay here forever, even if its sounds sad or depressive, we're all humans, it doesnt matter if u're from Ichigo, Unique, BentoBox, Adrenaline, Stars BG, Mystery, Insanes, Nameless, Hermandad, Intocables, etc.. if u're asian, latin, european or yankee.. our life ends as the life of any animal, but luckily we've something that an animal doesnt have, and thats the gift of the word, we can express ourself by speaking, writing or in some cases with signals, but we're stupid as an animal is, because we dont use it.
Wanna bet? Then, stop urself and ur mind for a second and tell me:

When was the last time u stopped ur mum while she was cooking or cleaning the room, u tooked her from the arm, looked in her eyes and told her: "Mum, I love you, thanks for everything u've done for me and im sorry for make u go upset sometimes"?

When was the last time u called ur dad while he was working.. u asked him to hear u just a second and u told him: "Dad, thank you for working so hard to give us a decent life, i love u daddy"?

When was the last time u told ur big/lil bro/sister: "Even if i had told u a thousands time u're adopted, even if we argue everyday, and even if sometime we want eachother to dissapear... i wont wish anyone else to be my bro/sister, i love you" ?

Tell me..the last time u saw ur friends, the ones that are always there no matter what happen, did u told them: "Guys, thanks so much for supporting me, for make me open my eyes, for not leave me alone..for being such a good friends, i really love u guys" ?

Or maybe u can tell me, When was the last time, u tooked ur Girlfriend/Boyfriend by the arm, dragged her/him to you, kissed her/him softly, and told: "Honey, i dont know how is going this to end, but now, in this moment, in this place, i want u to know.. I love you, thank you for be at my side, im going to do my best to make u be the more happyest woman/men in the earth" ?

Oh maybe no.. wait a sec, did u noticed about that girl/boy that is not part of ur family? that is not part of ur group of friends? and is not ur boyfriend/girlfriend? yea.. that one that is there asking u everyday "How are u?" and if u say "soso.." or "bad" he/she will ask "why?" and he/she will try to find out whats wrong and give you some advices. Maybe is not a person that u see everyday.. but it doesnt matter if u dont see that person in years, she/he will be always be there for u and u know it, have u stopped a second to say to her/him: "Hey, Thanks for being there when i needed someone, i really appreciate it" ?

Okay, no, u havent told anything of that to the persons u appreciate the most, or maybe u did... yea when u was 5 years old.
And yea u're right, for what telling that things if u see them everyday and u suppose they already know it?.
Okay lets suppose this too:
That tomorrow ur mum/dad/bro/sister/girfriend/boyfriend/best friend gets cancer..
That tomorrow someone call to ur cellphone and says "Im sorry, im so sorry but you mum/dad/bro/sister/girfriend/boyfriend/best friend died in an accident".. That in a few days ur best friend tell u "Sorry.. but i've to move on to another country next week, there i dont know when i will have net or will be able to visit you"..
Or that... oh oh, wait a second, what im saying? Nothing will happen to them! But as you like to suppose, i will suppose a last thing too:

Lets suppose that everyone is okay, ur family, friends and boy/girlfriend are living happily..
But today is the last day in ur life, when the clock reach 00:00 ur heart will stop beating.

What are u waiting for..?

P.S: Thanks guys for wasting ur time reading this silly letter, and for be an important part of my life.
Sorry for my fail english, no chance to use translators this time coz i've no net, just an old (of 1978) english dictionary book.
Happy New Year! ♥