miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

All the people in the world and you can still feel lonely ~

Hii guys ^^ i guess u won another english post, but this time i'll try to make it a bit more interesting. Eeer, i dont tell usually too many things about myself, at least not to english friends xD. So well i'll answer an usual question, "Do you ever sleep?", "Why don't u go sleep?", "GO SLEEP" xD, actually theres a reason why i change my hours of dream. Mmmm how to explain.

Never happened to you, that at night when u go to sleep, u put ur head on the pillow, close ur eyes and... u start thinking a lot of shit, and when i say "shit" i mean, study-related stuff, love stuff, philosophical questions, "Why i didn't...", "What if...", "Should I..", sad and depressing stuff, etc, etc, ur mind starts to pop up questions and u dont have an idea where the fuck they came from. I bet you had a night like that.

Well that actually happens to me.. EVERY ****** DAY, well, my closest friends know the type of problem i have so is not a good idea for a person like me to actually "think" at night, so to avoid that problem i found a solution and that is FALLING ASLEEP i mean literally when ur head just FELL to the pillow and then u oversleep 13 hours or more. Ye, i know is not healthy, but believe me is more healthy that having me thinking xD.

Oh well question answered :D

Changing topic and as the title says i feel lonely lately.. i mean, more than usual xD ~ just dunno, guess i need someone to hug me and say "everything is going to be ok"..well, everyone needs someone like that ~
The weird thing is that i have that person but is so far away :( really distance love sucks, and im afraid when we'll meet the relationship wont work.. or well if it does i'll suffer as hell till him or I can move to the other country, it sucks ~

But well, here is a song that describes exacly what a lover in distance feels, Enjoy!

Even if i suffer, i know i'll suffer for an awesome person.
Is like the phrase that people who smoke use as excuse ~
"Well.. u've to die of something." i'll change it, "U've to die for something" and if love is the reason, theres no better excuse :)


martes, 29 de marzo de 2011


Actually i keep guessing why people visit this blog so freaking much.. or if they actually read something xD
I bet my hamster is a magnet for people who miss their first pet? o.o xD

Thanks everyone!

*5K = 5000 visits.

P.S: For an old friend that once time (long ago) told me "HA! my blog have more visits than urs"... i say "HA! i Pwned u and my readers are cooler!"

viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

Language fail

Ok, long time without posting in english i know...i know, im sorry but didn't really had a topic.. and neither do i now haha. Well its 3am so don't ask me to make sense a lot coz im tired but i hope u'll get my point.

There was someone, a few days ago, a friend from Costa Rica i guess, we discussed like an hour about he don't make sense in english (at least less than me xD), he wanted to ask "How has she been?" and he said "How was had she" ... and he thought he was right after i told him a million time that didn't made sense xD, I know, if he's from Costa Rica why talking in english.. coz he wanted to "TEACH" me actually, and the sad thing is that he goes to a special institute, but after all i ended teaching him :|

And is not the first time i meet people like him, i mean, most... i can say.. 90% of hispan people don't know, or know barely english, really is sad and i dunno the reason, guess is for the bad education system we have; actually of all of my friends, the countries with best english are Mexico (for obvious reasons), Brasil and mine (Argentina, not because is mine just coz almost all my friends have nice english), and this really really sucks.

Actually the 80% of the english i learned was from a game, coz for 7 years i went to a school with bad english system, then i changed to another for 6 years and that one was more advanced, i missed a lot of things in the middle (like i don't know a lot of clothes and food names and other details), i just learned a lot by playing online games, and by knowing people from another countries, and ofc too coz i don't give up at learning, when i really want to know someone i'll try my best always =P; So thanks for everyone who chats with my in this language coz day by day i learn a bit more and sorry for my fails xD still a long way to improve it.

So, well, thats actually all i've to say today, not much happens in my life nowdays :|

Take care people! love u all ♥

Thanks for reading!


viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

Verdades que duelen.

Por el amor a nuestra Patria, miren este video, 5 minutos de tu vida empleados en algo que realmente vale la pena ver.

miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011


Esas retorcidas historias que crea tu mente mientras descansas, pueden convertirse en hermosos sueños o horribles pesadillas.
Generalmene todas las pesadillas tienen una razón o algo que las produce, como estress, preocupaciones, problemas de la vida, algún conflicto con alguien, depresion, etc...

Pero personalmente estoy sufriendo un caos de pesadillas y sueños que terminan mal. Empezaron al rededor de la semana del 20 de febrero y pensé que estaban relacionadas con los examenes que tenia, pero pasado el 25 cuando los examenes habian terminado y ya no tenia mas preocupaciones... no se detuvieron :|

Las primeras 3 pesadillas eran sobre el mismo tema pero en diferentes escenarios, alguien me persigue, corro, me escondo, pero finalmente me asesina. Después fueron cambiando, como jaurias de lobos persiguiendome, la repetitiva pesadilla del fin del mundo (la cual sueño cada unos 6 meses o algo asi) cuando la luna se nos viene encima, en otra asesinan a la persona que mas amo, etc..despues de las 3 primeras todas fueron muy variadas pero tienen en común:

1. Me despierto con un horrible dolor de cabeza que me dura horas.
2. En todas me levanto asustada.
3. Quedo sin poder concentrarme bien en casi todo el dia.

Han pasado 3 semanas y 2 dias, en ese tiempo tuve al rededor de 10 pesadillas, SIN tener ningun sueño bonito entremedio.

Pensé que era por los examenes y no..
Por mirar anime antes de dormir, deje de mirar y no pararon..
No estoy preocupada por nada, es decir, tengo vacasiones hasta el 6 de abril donde empiezo Grafología y a prepararme para exámenes, pero ando super tranquila y disfrutando el mes de vacasiones.
Tampoco tengo problemas ni preocupaciones amorosas, ni sobre mi futuro.. :|

Lo charlé con algunos amigos y ninguno me supo encontrar la piedrita en el zapato. Así que estoy bastante desesperada porque no se detienen, ya seguí los consejos clasicos:

1. Dormir a horario
2. No comer mucho antes de dormir
3. Pensar en cosas buenas

Ya hice eso y aún así no paran, no me preocupaba cuando eran 2, 3 o 4 pesadillas pero empecé a perder la cuenta y estoy cansada de despertarme con dolor de cabeza, siento que me va a explotar una vena ahi adentro x-x

En fin.. si tienen alguna idea para detener las pesadillas dejen un comentario xD y si funciona se los agradeceré mucho.

Gracias por leer ♥

P.D: Ahora que lo pienso creo que es hora de ir a comprarme un atrapasueños nuevo el mio cada día esta mas hecho mierda (si, creo en los atrapa sueños porque los comprobé e-e).


jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

Ai Otsuka - Planetarium

martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

4k Visits!

To all my friends that keep reading, even if lately this blog became bored, thanks! Neva though it would reach more than 100 xD

Love ya all ♥


A todos mis amigos que siguen leyendo, aunque ultimamente este blog se volvió aburrido, gracias!
Nunca pensé que llegaría a mas de 100 xD

Los quiero a todos ♥

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011

Dr. House

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

Never give up, No matter how impossible the situation looks, Remember thats how legends are born. - Unknown

Don't ever give up if you still want to try, don't ever wipe your tears if you still want to cry. Don't ever settle for an answer if you still want to know. Don't ever say you don't love him if you can't let him go.


If You stand for a reason, be prepared to stand alone. If you fight for a cause, fight even if there is no hope. If you fall on the ground, fall as a seed...that grows back to fight again.

- Sathya G

Who are you to judge the life that I live? I know I'm not perfect, and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers... make sure your hands are clean.

- Unknown

Sometimes all you need in the end is someone who will hold you and say everything is alright...

- Unknown

sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011


"Toda persona razonable sabe que hay buena gente que cree en dioses y buena gente que no cree en dioses. Como la mayoría de los ateos, yo no violo, asesino ni robo, sé distinguir el bien y el mal, y no necesito seguir un conjunto de creencias supersticiosas para llevar una vida moral. La idea de que sólo una persona religiosa puede ser buena es completamente ridícula. De hecho, quizá sean los ateos los verdaderamente buenos; tratamos de hacer lo que es correcto no por la razón egoísta de un miedo a algún castigo en la otra vida, sino porque sabemos que es lo correcto."

—Peter Dubral (en el boletín "The Greater Philadelphia Story").


“Dale a un hombre un pescado y comerá un día, enséñale a pescar y comerá de por vida; dale a un hombre la religión y va a morir rezando por un pez.”

- Autor Desconocido.


"Analizando una serie de estudios previos, el sociólogo Phil Zuckerman no sólo comenta que numerosos autores demuestran que los ateos tienen un sentido de la moralidad y de la justicia social tan definido como los creyentes, sino que afirma ...que las cifras demuestran que los ateos y los partidarios de la laícidad tienen un sentido más profundo y más ético de la justicia social.
Según los estudios citados, los ateos se muestran más tolerantes hacia las mujeres y los homosexuales, son menos racistas y tienen menos casos de maltrato a los niños."
