viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

Language fail

Ok, long time without posting in english i know...i know, im sorry but didn't really had a topic.. and neither do i now haha. Well its 3am so don't ask me to make sense a lot coz im tired but i hope u'll get my point.

There was someone, a few days ago, a friend from Costa Rica i guess, we discussed like an hour about he don't make sense in english (at least less than me xD), he wanted to ask "How has she been?" and he said "How was had she" ... and he thought he was right after i told him a million time that didn't made sense xD, I know, if he's from Costa Rica why talking in english.. coz he wanted to "TEACH" me actually, and the sad thing is that he goes to a special institute, but after all i ended teaching him :|

And is not the first time i meet people like him, i mean, most... i can say.. 90% of hispan people don't know, or know barely english, really is sad and i dunno the reason, guess is for the bad education system we have; actually of all of my friends, the countries with best english are Mexico (for obvious reasons), Brasil and mine (Argentina, not because is mine just coz almost all my friends have nice english), and this really really sucks.

Actually the 80% of the english i learned was from a game, coz for 7 years i went to a school with bad english system, then i changed to another for 6 years and that one was more advanced, i missed a lot of things in the middle (like i don't know a lot of clothes and food names and other details), i just learned a lot by playing online games, and by knowing people from another countries, and ofc too coz i don't give up at learning, when i really want to know someone i'll try my best always =P; So thanks for everyone who chats with my in this language coz day by day i learn a bit more and sorry for my fails xD still a long way to improve it.

So, well, thats actually all i've to say today, not much happens in my life nowdays :|

Take care people! love u all ♥

Thanks for reading!


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